System Administration, Networking and ISP Setup with Red Hat Linux

TOPICS 01- Overview
UNIX History
Linux Origins
Why Linux?
Recommended hardware Specifications

TOPICS 02- Installation
Details about installation
Linux boot file and boot loaders
Details about Consoles
Details about logout, reboot and shutdown

TOPICS 03- Managing user account
Adding user
Removing user
Setting password to the user
Handling root password
Removing password
Setting comments to the user
Details about /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow & /etc/group files
Details about lock, unlock & status of passwd command
Use of ls, cat, less, clear, man, uname & mkbootdisk commands

TOPICS 04- Details about files and directories
File & directory creation
Deleting file and directories
File and directory copy/move
Linux File Hierarchy Concepts
Current directory & Parent directory
Changing directories
Listing directory contents
The home directory
Absolute pathnames & Relative pathnames

TOPICS 05- Visual editor (vi)
Introduction to vi
Copy, paste, delete, cut, undelete, redo in vi editor
Searching string in vi
Replacing string in vi
Cursor movement in vi

TOPICS 06- File and directory permission
Categories of permission
Changing Permissions – Symbolic Method
Changing Permissions – Numeric Method
Controlling default permission using “umask”

TOPICS 07- Mounting different types of file system
Use of dmesg command
Mounting & unmounting cdrom, floppy drive, pen drive, windows drive(partition)
Use of softlink

TOPICS 08- Software (rpm) installation/uninstallation/reinstallation
Software installation and uninstallation
Problems on installation/uninstallation & their solution using nodeps/force

TOPICS 09- A step into the networking environment
What is protocol?
Different among switch, hub & router
Different types of cabling

TOPICS 09- A step into the networking environment
What is protocol?
Different among switch, hub & router
Different types of cabling

TOPICS 10- Details about IP address
TCP/IP protocol
Details about class A, B & class C IP addresses
Details about private and real IP addresses
Concept about loop back, network and broadcast addresses

TOPICS 11- IP subnetting
Some idea about subnetting
Different types of subnetting examples on class A, class B & class C

TOPICS 12- Network establishment in Linux platform
Assigning IP address to the NIC (temporary/permanent)
Concept about network interface up and down
Testing ping with different parameters
Importance of hostname
Importance of ntsysv command

TOPICS 13- Telnet
Concept about telnet.
Telnet server configuration for remote login - to do the administrative job

TOPICS 14- Ssh
Concept about ssh?
ssh server configuration for remote login - to do the administrative job

Concept about ftp
Ftp server configuration for file transfer

Concept about nfs
Nfs server configuration for data sharing within the network

TOPICS 17- Ownership and group
Details about user and group
Categories of groups
User and group ID numbers
System Users and Groups
Problems on removing groups

Concept about samba
Samba server configuration for Linux and Windows connectivity

TOPICS 19- TIPS on Linux
Various types of tips on Linux

TOPICS 20- DNS Server
Details about DNS.
Primary and secondary DNS server configuration.
Details about DNS client configuration.
Use of nslookup as DNS testing utility

TOPICS 21- Mail Server
Details about Mail Server – sendmail
Concept about smtp, pop & imap
Use of pine and mail command
Sending mail from Windows/Linux
Retrieving mail from Windows/Linux
Checking mail from the server
Mail aliasing
Mail forwarding
Restriction on mail (bouncing)

TOPICS 22- Web Server
Details about Web Server
Name based web server & IP based web server

TOPICS 23- DHCP Server
Details about DHCP server?
DHCP server configuration
Restriction on MAC into DHCP environment

TOPICS 24- Proxy Server
Details about proxy server – squid.
Details about acl (access control list)
Monitoring clients from the proxy server
Allowing some clients for specific time
Denying some clients for specific web sites
Denying specific IPs

TOPICS 25- Security
Use of tcp wrapper
Use of PAM
Creating sudo user
Details about different types of ports
Use of ipchains & iptables
Use of linux PC as router
IP masquerading

TOPICS 26- Subdomain creation
What is subdomain?
Configuring subdomain

TOPICS 27- Introduction to shell
Concept about shell
How to run script?
How can we get help from scripting?
Some commands on shell environment

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